Marital happiness accessible to everyone .. But how

It is not a miracle that feigns rights to the same sense of happiness and live to enjoy, only has to meditate consider everything around him,'ll inevitably, joy found in life, which surround us everywhere, but objects of different and varying amounts and each of us has his view of her , and each of us has his or her own needs for happiness, and happiness concepts vary in individuals, as an increase in satisfaction Bmekdraha vary from one person to another.The couple arrives to fill life happiness, family counseling expert says Magdi Nasser that there are grounds and rules they abide by, and make them set their eyes to Admana they walked at a steady pace in the way of happiness, and these foundations are:Dedication in love:Says Nasser, on both spouses to exchange feelings of love and crossing the him to each other, because the expression of love is a renewal him and narrated to recover and renewed, and not looking person in his partner from perfect, because he will not find it, but accept it as it is, and remains his view of his own As I love the first time, love and satisfaction will guarantee that Adjalah condone any shortage or change may arise, and do not miss the couple that يبادرا as admiration and praise and compliments to each other, which makes each doubled in the tender in various fields and in various ways as long as this increases the impressive partner his life.Trust:Nasser indicates that mutual trust between the couple a very important factor, the trust of the person in his life partner, this is the basis of the marital relationship, even though he asked in a subject, or asked, does not exceed the idea of ​​just inquiry as a matter of jealousy, for example, but not comb his Ptvkirh to limit may bring him closer to discredit the other party, this is not what is known as jealous, but may be skeptical, if trust is indivisible, and must be complete and that each spouse assumes good faith in the other.Show jealousy rationality:It also recommends an expert family relationships that shows each spouse jealousy on his partner, he is something required, and evidence of love, and stronger proof or evidence, but the thing if exceeded alone turned to him, so, فالغيرة feeling worthwhile, not herself, each other that constraint are linked, and that sense of uncertainty is going relationship, this scary Index, has called on the assumption of bad faith, let the couple careful to express jealousy and not jealousy just love that does not exceed to become complained as we mentioned earlier.Friendship:Says Nasser within Saah couple, very important to have a couple friends, Friendship often Stkhrjhma of routine marital, and Ngnehma for any gap or lack of presence as in their lives, what wonderful to be your partner and lover, is the same friend, the thing that will facilitate discussions many in subjects take them more simply as talking as friends.Chatting and dialogue:And hits Nasser an example he says, as if Atnaakeca in everything related to their lives in a manner refined, civilized, and quietly and capacity released, though one of them a different perspective, he should express his opinion respectfully, with each of them tried to accept the idea of ​​the other, or that nearly views to newcomers to result Tredehma together, because both of them aspires to be his opinion in favor of the family, taking into account the selection of appropriate conditions to put up any topic for discussion, so that Monday ready to engage in dialogue.Listen:Confirms Nasser to listen is critical in any marital relationship, then all of the spouses to listen to the other and give him an opportunity to express including inside and secured a joint thinking, in order to avoid live together strangers, does not think every one of them individually, but that think about together loud, the thing that makes them go out the results of the best shops, and relieves stress for both of them.Break the routine:And Family Development Consultant refers in his commandments to try as much as possible to find ways to renew life and renew the relationship, so as not to fall in the boring routine that may be fatal to happiness and sometimes marriage.Romance:And confirms Nasser that romance is very important in the marital relationship, and required the parties, not of one only, the initiates one at the happiness of the other status touches though simple, but may inundate house atmosphere romantic which renews love and makes happiness permeated them and fill their hearts with more love.Gifts:He recommends Nasser, exchanging gifts between spouses, it has signed on the heart and influential psychological might make the recipient full of happiness and saying that his partner still loves the first day of the marriage, also feel the party who offers a gift to his partner that he expresses his about how he loved, and thus enters happiness to his heart, which will be reflected accordingly.

 Marital happiness accessible to everyone .. But how

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