How to take care of fish at home
* Let's start in building a basin of fresh water because it is easier than sea water basin that you are a beginner choose for yourself a great basin may exceed its size sixty liters at least.
* The greater the size of your pelvis will widen to more fish and fish also depends on the sizes.
* Rule to secure four quarts of water to ensure the vital needs of the space and oxygen for fish of three centimeters. The same amount of water will be enough for two fish, each with a length of one and half a centimeter
* Surfaces specified length and width the container must be taken into consideration when buying pelvis.
Through the oxygen enters the basin surface, which is a substance vital to breathing fish to the aquarium.
* Air pump in the basin enhances ventilation place simply by moving the surface of the water.
* When installing the tub, you must first cover the base with gravel. And decorating. It must be washed gravel first.
To be placed in the bowl depth at least four centimeters. Or in the form of piles that you prefer.
* Gravel base this serve as a base for the stones and wood needed by fish for Lachtaba. The benefit also Kterbh, aquatic plants.
* Aquatic plants indispensable ally thanks to its reliance on the Alfotocenticis process taking place in the leaves, plants believes an additional source of oxygen solution which fish can be consumed directly.
* Conversely plant absorbs part of the carbon dioxide they release when breathing animals.
Their leaves Plants absorb minerals and nitrogen compounds, as is the case with ammonium nitrate ion induced fish waste and Awsakhha.
* Lighting *
To grow plants need water to large amounts of lighting.
* Industrial lighting replaces sun lighting. They are easier to control
Here we must control daily quantities lighting and through a timer Otherwise, the increase could lead to a luminescent growth Herbs do not want them.
* Before placing plants must fill the tub with water, the quality of water is very important issue as it must first remove the chlorine steam because it Sam.
* The best way to maintain the quality of water is by using external water refinery.
* The refinery making the water passes through the material usually sponge or activated charcoal abandon the water of impurities before they return to the pelvis.
This automated filter can be turned with time into a biological filter. The truth is that the bacteria tend to grow too in Msamah article used a filter.
* These microbes are very useful, especially organic and it feeds on the unwanted material to turn it into a vehicle fish can absorb.
* Embraces gravel also loads of types of bacteria, this also serves as the refinery on the grounds that the water passes from the top to the bottom gravel and back toward the pelvis as well.
* Despite these precautions necessary to constantly renew water and in small quantities.
* Before the introduction to her new fish is advised that placed all the necessary advance in the tub for a week and especially the filter to help to create stable conditions in the basin.
* When it comes to choosing fish, there are hundreds of species you can choose from, especially as there are kinds grow and live more easily than others.
* There are also types of refuse to live other fish in their surroundings so she refuses to other generations with her and that was one of its kind specifically.
* When buying fish must تعوده at the temperature at which the pelvis to leave the vessel in which it came floats for some time in the water and it is best to begin by a fish or two in the first basin to add another four or six weeks at least.
* Hard heat control system helps to stabilize the water in the tub, you must install temperature between twenty and twenty-eight degrees is the perfect temperature for the majority of fish
* As for food *
* Better constantly feeding the fish and small quantities so that consumes food within a few minutes. Because the multiplication of food could contaminate the water.
* Six weeks after the introduction of fish can add plants to it there will be enough time between food gravel and water to ensure its growth.
* Requires to keep a home aquarium full attention, but rewarded the largest it gives you the opportunity to enjoy the possession of a piece of the ecological balance, which consumed millions of years to complete.